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Browsing by Author Pradhan H.S.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014150 km long distributed temperature sensor using phase modulated probe wave and optimization techniquePradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2014Brillouin distributed strain sensor performance enhancement employing Four WaRD algorithmPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2014Brillouin distributed strain sensor performance enhancement employing FourWaRD algorithmPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2016Brillouin distributed strain sensor performance improvement using FourWaRD algorithmPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2015Brillouin distributed temperature sensor employing phase modulation and optimization techniquesPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2017Brillouin distributed temperature sensor using optical time domain reflectometry techniquesPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.; Ghosh D.; Mahapatra S.
2015Characterisation of Raman distributed temperature sensor using deconvolution algorithmsPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2014High-performance Brillouin distributed temperature sensor using Fourier wavelet regularised deconvolution algorithmPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2019Measurement of temperature and strain simultaneously with high spatial resolution for a long sensing rangePradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2014Performance enhancement of brillouin distributed temperature sensor using optimized fiberSahu P.K.; Pradhan H.S.
2016SNR enhancement of Brillouin distributed strain sensor using optimized receiverPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2012Spontaneous Brillouin scattering based distributed fiber optic temperature sensor design and simulation using phase modulation and optimization techniquePradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2012Suppression of stimulated Brillouin scattering using optimization techniquesPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.
2016A survey on the performances of distributed fiber-optic sensorsPradhan H.S.; Sahu P.K.