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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20133D FE delamination induced damage analyses of adhesive bonded lap shear joints made with curved laminated FRP composite panelsPradhan A.K.; Parida S.K.
2018Adhesion failure propagation analyses of Spar Wingskin Joints made with curved laminated FRP composite and FGM panelsMishra P.K.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.
2016Delamination propagation analyses of spar wingskin joints made with curved laminated FRP composite panelsMishra P.K.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.
2014Effect of cenosphere filler on damping properties of bamboo-epoxy laminated compositesJena H.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.
2013Effect of cenosphere on mechanical properties of bamboo-epoxy compositesJena H.; Pandit M.K.; Pradhan A.K.
2016Effect of Material Anisotropy on Delamination Damage in Adhesive Bonded Lap Shear Joints Made with Curved Laminated FRP Composite PanelsParida S.K.; Pradhan A.K.
2017Evaluation of optimum configuration of adhesively bonded reverse bent jointsBodepudi R.; Hughes D.J.; Pradhan A.K.
2014Influence of curvature geometry of laminated FRP composite panels on delamination damage in adhesively bonded lap shear jointsParida S.K.; Pradhan A.K.
2016Inter-laminar delamination analyses of Spar Wingskin Joints made with flat FRP composite laminatesMishra P.K.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.
2019Mixed mode embedded circular delamination propagation in spar wingskin joint made with curved FRP composite laminatesMishra P.K.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.
2017Nanofillers Reinforced Polymer Composites Wrap to Repair Corroded Steel Pipe LinesKhan V.C.; Balaganesan G.; Pradhan A.K.; Sivakumar M.S.
2015Performance of vertically reinforced 1-3 piezo composites for active damping of smart sandwich beamsGhosh S.; Agrawal S.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.
2018Repair of through thickness corrosion/leaking defects in corroded pipelines using Fiber Reinforced Polymer overwrapNitheesh Kumar P.; Khan V.C.; Balaganesan G.; Pradhan A.K.; Sivakumar M.S.
2014Studies on water absorption behaviour of bamboo-epoxy composite filled with cenosphereJena H.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.
2018Study of Solid Particle Erosion Wear Behavior of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite with Cenosphere FillerJena H.; Pradhan A.K.; Pandit M.K.