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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20193D Modeling of Long-Term Dynamic Behavior of Monopile-Supported Offshore Wind Turbine in ClayBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2016Analysis of beams on heterogeneous and nonlinear soilHaldar S.; Basu D.
2016Appraisal of the in Situ Variability and Modeling Uncertainty of Dynamic Soil-Piled Raft-Structure Interaction on Seismic Response: A Probabilistic ApproachSaha R.; Pal A.; Haldar S.
2011Beam on spatially random elastic foundationHaldar S.; Basu D.
2015Design of monopile supported offshore wind turbine in clay considering dynamic soil-structure-interactionBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2014Dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbine in clay considering soil-monopile-tower interactionBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2015Dynamic behavior of monopile supported offshore wind turbine systemBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2015Effect of climate change on dynamic behavior of monopile supported offshore wind turbine structureBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2016Effect of Climate Change on the Reliability of Offshore Wind Turbine FoundationsHaldar S.; Basu D.
2016Effect of in-situ variability of soil on seismic design of piled raft supported structure incorporating dynamic soil-structure-interactionDas B.; Saha R.; Haldar S.
2015Effect of raft and pile stiffness on seismic response of soil-piled raft-structure systemSaha R.; Dutta S.C.; Haldar S.
2018Experimental and numerical studies on the dynamic and long-term behavior of offshore wind turbines in clayBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2017Impact of climate change on design of offshore wind turbine considering dynamic soil-structure interactionBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2017Impact of climate change on dynamic behavior of offshore wind turbineBisoi S.; Haldar S.
2014Inelastic seismic behavior of soil-pile raft-structure system under bi-directional ground motionDutta S.C.; Saha R.; Haldar S.
2015Influence of dynamic soil-pile raft-structure interaction: an experimental approachSaha R.; Haldar S.; Dutta S.C.
2019Influence of Inherent Soil Variability on Seismic Response of Structure Supported on Pile FoundationChanda D.; Saha R.; Haldar S.
2018Probabilistic analysis of monopile-supported offshore wind turbine in clayHaldar S.; Sharma J.; Basu D.
2015Probabilistic seismic design of soil-pile raft-superstructure systemDas B.; Saha R.; Haldar S.
2014Resistance factors for laterally loaded piles in clayHaldar S.; Basu D.