(Belle Collaboration), Lai Y.-T.Adachi I.Aihara H.Al Said S.Asner D.M.Atmacan H.Aulchenko V.Aushev T.Babu V.Badhrees I.Bakich A.M.Bansal V.Behera P.Bele�o C.Bhuyan B.Bilka T.Biswal J.Bobrov A.Bozek A.Bracko M.Cao L.Cervenkov D.Chang P.Chekelian V.Chen A.Cheon B.G.Chilikin K.Cho K.Choi S.-K.Choi Y.Choudhury S.Cinabro D.Cunliffe S.Dash N.Di Carlo S.Dole�al Z.Dong T.V.Eidelman S.Epifanov D.Fast J.E.Frey A.Fulsom B.G.Garg R.Gaur V.Gabyshev N.Garmash A.Gelb M.Giri A.Goldenzweig P.Greenwald D.Guan Y.Haba J.Hara T.Hayasaka K.Hayashii H.Hou W.-S.Hsu C.-L.Huang K.Iijima T.Inami K.Inguglia G.Ishikawa A.Itoh R.Iwasaki M.Iwasaki Y.Jia S.Jin Y.Joffe D.Kaliyar A.B.Karyan G.Kawasaki T.Kichimi H.Kiesling C.Kim D.Y.Kim H.J.Kim J.B.Kim S.H.Kinoshita K.Kody� P.Korpar S.Kotchetkov D.Kri�an P.Kroeger R.Krokovny P.Kuhr T.Kulasiri R.Kumar R.Kuzmin A.Kwon Y.-J.Lalwani K.Lange J.S.Lee I.S.Lee J.K.Lee J.Y.Lee S.C.Li C.H.Li L.K.Li Y.B.Li Gioi L.Libby J.Liptak Z.Liventsev D.Lu P.-C.Lubej M.Luo T.Macnaughton J.Masuda M.Matsuda T.Matvienko D.Merola M.Miyabayashi K.Mizuk R.Mohanty G.B.Mori T.Mrvar M.Mussa R.Nakano E.Nakao M.Nath K.J.Nayak M.Nisar N.K.Nishida S.Ogawa S.Pakhlova G.Pal B.Pardi S.Park H.Paul S.Pedlar T.K.Pestotnik R.Piilonen L.E.Popov V.Prencipe E.Rabusov A.Ritter M.Rostomyan A.Russo G.Sakai Y.Salehi M.Sandilya S.Santelj L.Sanuki T.Savinov V.Schneider O.Schnell G.Schwanda C.Seino Y.Senyo K.Seon O.Sevior M.E.Shen C.P.Shibata T.-A.Shiu J.-G.Solovieva E.Staric M.Sumihama M.Sumiyoshi T.Sutcliffe W.Takizawa M.Tanida K.Tao Y.Tenchini F.Uchida M.Uglov T.Unno Y.Uno S.Urquijo P.Usov Y.Van Tonder R.Varner G.Varvell K.E.Vorobyev V.Wang B.Wang C.H.Wang M.-Z.Wang P.Wang X.L.Widmann E.Won E.Yamamoto H.Yang S.B.Ye H.Yuan C.Z.Yusa Y.Zhang Z.P.Zhilich V.Zhukova V.Zhulanov V.2025-02-172019http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.100.011101https://idr.iitbbs.ac.in/handle/2008/2189We report a measurement of the branching fraction and final-state asymmetry for the B0?KS0K�p� decays. The analysis is based on a data sample of 711 fb-1 collected at the ?(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. We obtain a branching fraction of (3.60�0.33�0.15)�10-6 and a final-state asymmetry of (-8.5�8.9�0.2)%, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. Hints of peaking structures are found in the differential branching fractions measured as functions of Dalitz variables. � 2019 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.enMeasurement of branching fraction and final-state asymmetry for the B 0 ? KS0 K p� Decay measurement of branching fraction and final-state ... Y.-T. LAI et al.Article