Channel Bragg-plasmon coupled waveguide

dc.contributor.authorDas R.en_US
dc.contributor.authorJha R.en_US
dc.contributor.authorSrivastava T.en_US
dc.description.abstractWe present a detailed analysis and recipe for designing a channel Bragg-plasmon coupled waveguide where the intermodal coupling between a band gap-guided mode and surface plasmon mode substantially modifies the phase velocity dispersion slope of supermodel. This leads to appreciably large group-velocity-dispersion with peak value of ? 4.33�104 ps/km-nm close to the optical communication band as well as interaction bandwidth of about 765 pm for 1 cm long waveguide. We also found that bandgap guided Bragg modes exhibit stronger dispersive features than the plasmon modes around ? 1.50 ?m which is exactly opposite to what is usually observed in visible region. The impact of waveguide parameters such as channel width etc. on mode-coupling mechanism is also studied with significant emphasis on the propagation loss suffered by the supermodes of the structure. � 2011 SPIE.en_US
dc.subjectBragg reflectionen_US
dc.subjectChannel waveguideen_US
dc.subjectSurface plasmonen_US
dc.titleChannel Bragg-plasmon coupled waveguideen_US
dc.typeConference Paperen_US
