Fundamentals of Biological Treatment
This chapter provides important information on the fundamentals and engineering aspects of biological wastewater treatment. Understanding the behavior of the naturally occurring microorganisms and their biochemical reactions plays a vital role in the successful design and operation of biological wastewater treatment plants. With proper analysis and design, almost all wastewaters containing biodegradable organics can be treated biologically. The main objectives of this chapter are to (1) give an overview of the biochemical reactions, (2) classify the different types of microorganisms, (3) establish different aspects of microbial metabolism, (4) understand the stoichiometry and energetics of bacterial growth, (5) establish comprehension of the bacterial growth kinetics, and (6) to introduce the role of environmental factors influencing the different biological processes. The methods used to describe and solve the problems presented are those used by biochemical engineers, based on mass balances that are valid for specific systems. � 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Aerobic, Anaerobic, Cofactors, Denitrification, Energetics, Enzyme, Half reaction, Kinetics, Michaelis-Menten equation, Monod equation, Nitrification, Nutrients, Stoichiometry