A clustering model based on colliding bodies optimization for analysis of seismic catalog

dc.contributor.authorNanda S.J.en_US
dc.contributor.authorPanda G.en_US
dc.description.abstractNature has been the key source of inspiration for development of many heuristic optimization algorithm. In this manuscript a new clustering model is developed based on a recently developed nature inspired algorithm 'Colliding Bodies Optimization (CBO)'. The CBO is based on the phenomenon of collision between bodies where each body try to occupy a convenient position in the search space. The proposed clustering model is applied to analyze the seismic activities of Japan catalog. If the number of clusters are known aprori with the help of seismologist then the proposed model provide accurate clustering performance with lower computation. Comparison with recently developed 'fast density based clustering' the proposed model provide equivalent clustering output for Japan catalog with lower computational time. � 2015 IEEE.en_US
dc.subjectColliding Bodies Optimizationen_US
dc.subjectFast Density Based Clusteringen_US
dc.subjectSeismic activities of Japanen_US
dc.titleA clustering model based on colliding bodies optimization for analysis of seismic catalogen_US
dc.typeConference Paperen_US
