Cascaded Taper Collapsed Region-Based PCF Sensor: Wavelength and Intensity Interrogation
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We propose a highly sensitive and compact solid core photonic crystal fiber-based interferometric sensor with dual collapsed tapered region for the interrogation of curvature and temperature. The fabrication of the probe is accomplished by an economical commercial splicer. The distance between two tapered regions has been tuned so that the proposed probe can be used both in intensity and wavelength interrogation with a maximum curvature sensitivity of 18.8 dB m-1 and 14.76 nm m-1 in intensity and wavelength interrogation, respectively. Furthermore, the maximum temperature sensitivity is found to be 56 pm/�C thereby exhibiting negligible cross sensitivity. The response of the proposed probe to the applied curvature and environmental temperature is found to be linear. � 2001-2012 IEEE.
curvature, interferometer, SCPCF, taper