An assessment for mechanical and microstructure behavior of dissimilar material welded joint between nuclear grade martensitic P91 and austenitic SS304 L steel

dc.contributor.authorThakare J.G.en_US
dc.contributor.authorPandey C.en_US
dc.contributor.authorMahapatra M.M.en_US
dc.contributor.authorMulik R.S.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of gas tungsten arc welded creep strength enhanced martensitic (CSEM) and austenitic stainless steel (SS) dissimilar welded joint is explored in the as welded (AW) and post weld heat treated (PWHT) conditions. The as received normalized and tempered P91 steel has been welded with SS304 L by preparing a conventional groove and employing a P91 GTAW filler wire. The welded plate is subjected to PWHT at 760 �C for 120 min followed by air cooling. The P91 steel in as received condition exhibited fully martensitic (tempered) structure with lathe morphology and prior austenite grain boundaries while SS304 L have austenitic structure with twins. The heterogeneity (as-welded condition) across the welded joint were produced in terms of microstructure and mechanical properties (hardness, Charpy toughness and tensile strength). The variation in mechanical properties has been minimized after the PWHT. PWHT has observed a drastic influence on mechanical properties and microstructure of weld fusion zone and HAZ of P91 side however, remain unaffected for the SS304 L side HAZ. The strength of the welded joint have been measured 1016 � 2.5 MPa and 906 � 6.5 in as-welded and PWHT condition with joint efficiency of 140 % and 125 %, respectively. � 2019 The Society of Manufacturing Engineersen_US
dc.subjectDissimilar welded jointen_US
dc.subjectMechanical propertiesen_US
dc.subjectSS304 Len_US
dc.titleAn assessment for mechanical and microstructure behavior of dissimilar material welded joint between nuclear grade martensitic P91 and austenitic SS304 L steelen_US
